Soal Bahasa Inggris bab: Clothes and Aniamal karya Maya Zahira

Hello my friends. Introduce my self, my name is Maya Zahira i am study at class 5 and i am school in the SDN Ditotrunan 01 Lumajang. I will making questions about the English Language.

Answer these question

1.            What does your mother wear for going to the wedding party?
2.            The girls wears a skirt. The word skirt means....
3.            The weather is hot, you have to wear a....
4.            They wear singlet for....
5.            The bee lives in a hive and makes....
6.            The baby duck is called a....
7.            The rooster has red....on its head
8.            Cows produce....
9.            Hen produce....
10.         A rabbit likes to eat grains. The word underline means....



1.            Long dress
2.            Rok
3.            Singlet
4.            Hot weather
5.            Honey
6.            Duckling
7.            Crest
8.            Milk
9.            Eggs
10.         Butir padi

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